The face of the Bolz

The portrait of every inhabitant of the Auge district. Over the years, the entire neighborhood will be represented, in its history, its traditions, its colors." The portraits of the Bolzes will all have the same size, will be made with the same technique (oil on panel), and will be exhibited and visible in my studio. Over time, all portraits will be exhibited in various exhibitions. Each portrait is part of the project: it can be purchased at a special price as long as it remains available for exhibitions and other events part of the city, of this time!

Le Visage des Bolzes: Installé en Vieille-Ville, j'ai commencé, en novembre 2014, à réaliser le portrait de tous les habitants du quartier de l'Auge. Les portraits des Bolzes ont tous les mêmes dimensions et sont réalisés avec la même technique (huile sur bois); pendant leur réalisation, ils sont exposés tour à tour dans mon atelier. Au fil du temps, tous les portraits seront réunis dans différentes expositions. Chaque portrait est partie intégrante du projet, mais il pourra être acheté à un prix spécial à condition d’être mis à disposition lors d’expositions et autres manifestations. Rentre dans l’histoire de ce quartier, de cette ville, de ce temps!
Porträts der Bolzes: Gemalte Porträts von allen Bewohners des Au-Quartiers von Freiburg: Im Laufe der Zeit sollen alle Quartierbewohner gemalt werden, ihre Geschichte, ihre Traditionen und ihre Farben. Die Bilder sind alle gleich gross, ausgeführt in derselben Technik (Öl auf Leinwand) und sind während ihres Entstehens in meinem Atelier zu sehen. Später werden sie in verschiedenen Ausstellungen gezeigt. Jedes Porträt ist Teil des Projekts. Sofern es für Ausstellungen und andere Anlässe verfügbar bleibt, kann das Bild zu einem Spezialpreis erworben werden. Sei Teil der Geschichte dieses Quartiers, dieser Stadt, dieser Zeit!
Il volto dei Bolz: Il ritratto di ogni abitante del quartiere di Auge. Nel corso degli anni, l'intero quartiere verrà rappresentato, nella sua storia, nelle sue tradizioni, nei suoi colori. I ritratti dei Bolzes avranno tutti la stessa dimensione, saranno realizzati con la stessa tecnica (olio su tavola), e saranno esposti e visibili nel mio studio. Nel corso del tempo, tutti i ritratti saranno esposti in diverse mostre. Ogni ritratto è parte del progetto: può essere acquistato ad un prezzo speciale a condizione che resti disponibile per mostre e altri eventi. Partecipa alla storia di questa parte della città, di questo tempo!
Our Exceptional Solutions Image
Matthias Pittet - Op. 201 - Oil on wood (Nov. 2014)

Our Exceptional Solutions Image
Margrith Rutz - Op. 202 - Oil on wood (Dec. 2014)

Our Exceptional Solutions Image
Valentine Tan Pellau - Op. 203 - Oil on wood (Jan. 2015)

Our Exceptional Solutions Image
David Chappuis - Op.136 - Op. 204 - Oil on wood (Jan. 2015)

Our Exceptional Solutions Image
Hélène Wichser - Op. 205 - Oil on wood (Febr. 2015)

Our Exceptional Solutions Image
Lily Schneuwly - Op. 206 - Oil on wood (Febr. 2015)

Our Exceptional Solutions Image
Clara Mettraux - Op. 207 - Oil on wood (Mar. 2015)

Our Exceptional Solutions Image
Jane Seewer - Op. 208 - Oil on wood (Apr. 2015)

Our Exceptional Solutions Image
Valentin Vollenweider - Op. 209 - Oil on wood (May 2015)

Our Exceptional Solutions Image
Christophe Taille - Op. 210 - Oil on wood (May 2015)

Our Exceptional Solutions Image
Bernard Spielmann - Op. 211 - Oil on wood (June 2015)

Our Exceptional Solutions Image
Ines Mettraux - Op. 212 - Oil on wood (June 2015)

Our Exceptional Solutions Image
Juliana Duarte - Op. 213 - Oil on wood (July 2015)

Our Exceptional Solutions Image
Anita Spielmann - Op. 214 - Oil on wood (Aug. 2015)

Our Exceptional Solutions Image
Georgi Schafar - Op. 215 - Oil on wood (Aug. 2015)

Our Exceptional Solutions Image
Patricia Guntern - Op. 216 - Oil on wood (Sept. 2015)

Our Exceptional Solutions Image
Salomé Vollenweider - Op. 217 - Oil on wood (Oct. 2015)

Our Exceptional Solutions Image
Claudia Selina Plaff - Op. 218 - Oil on wood (Nov. 2015)

Our Exceptional Solutions Image
Suhali Berno - Op. 219 - Oil on wood (Jan. 2016)

Our Exceptional Solutions Image
Luna Berno - Op. 220 - Oil on wood (Febr. 2016)

Our Exceptional Solutions Image
Aziz Badou - Op. 221 - Oil on wood (Apr. 2016)

Our Exceptional Solutions Image
Marc Blaser - Op. 222 - Oil on wood (July 2016)

Our Exceptional Solutions Image
Nichelle Garrett - Op. 223 - Oil on wood (July 2016)

Our Exceptional Solutions Image
Marianne Auderset - Op. 224 - Oil on wood (Oct. 2016)

Our Exceptional Solutions Image
Apolline Hübscher - Op. 225 - Oil on wood (Dec. 2016)

Our Exceptional Solutions Image
Annabelle Jordan - Op. 226 - Oil on wood (Jan. 2017)

Our Exceptional Solutions Image
Andreas Dick - Op. 227 - Oil on wood (Mar. 2017)

Our Exceptional Solutions Image
Joé Bersier - Op. 228 - Oil on wood (Apr.2017)

Our Exceptional Solutions Image
Margrit Grand - Op. 229 - Oil on wood (May 2018)

Our Exceptional Solutions Image
Christine Alexander - Op. 230 - Oil on wood (Oct. 2019)

Our Exceptional Solutions Image
Fritz Dick - Op. 231 - Oil on wood (Mar. 2020)

Our Exceptional Solutions Image
Marino Nembrini - Op. 232 - Oil on wood (Mar. 2020)
